+41 44 687 87 86

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Dr. Hans-Peter Mangold founded TC First Holdings more than 10 years ago investing in businesses, repositioning and further developing them.

Since then, he has been able to compile the TC First Holdings core team consisting of excellent qualified team members. Open and straightforward communication and trust in people is key to Mr. Mangold. The TC First Holdings team today reflects a unique combination of financial and operational expertise and is well suited to create value within TC First portfolio companies.

Prior to TC First Holdings, Hans-Peter Mangold was an active investor in smaller businesses in the German speaking region. Earlier in his career, Mr. Mangold worked as management consultant. He holds a Doctorate in Business Administration from the University of St. Gallen (HSG).

TC First Holdings GmbH | Beethovenstrasse 11 | 8002 Zürich | Switzerland | T: +41 44 687 87 86 |